Ginger Marin’s LottaReviews
Welcome to Ginger Marin’s LottaReviews movie reviews archive site.
Keeping an eye out for little films that shouldn’t be missed and some that should

As this is an archives site, movie reviews were posted through 2014 or so. Just click the Archive button above to access Lotta’s reviews. When you read Lotta’s past reviews, you’ll want to snuggle up to your TV set for a pleasant night at the movies. No matter which format you use to watch (steaming or dvd), or which genre you like best (Action, Drama, Comedy), Lotta will give you the dope on past releases.

Unique Rating System
LottaReviews movie rating system is unique. Every review gets rated according to the dog-bone rating system. It’s all about entertainment! Some movies are keepers and others are stinkers.

Check out Lotta’s favorite movie quotations from some of her favorite films. She also offers rich film commentary about academy awards nominations and wins and has good reviews of special past DVD collections.

Enjoy her list of great movie oldies and make sure to check out the Spotlights & Video Potty List of un-reviewed but highly recommended films (or stinkers) under the commentary section. Above, you can link to her wonderful Holiday Favorites of cherished films.